Privacy and Cookie Statement for Cubit

Drafted by TMH Webdesign

1 january 2023
Your privacy is of great importance to TMH Webdesign. We therefore adhere to the relevant privacy legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter: GDPR). This means that we:

  • Clearly define our purposes before processing your personal data, through this privacy statement;
  • Zo min mogelijk persoonlijke gegevens opslaan en enkel de gegevens die nodig zijn voor onze doeleinden;
  • Store as few personal data as possible and only those necessary for our purposes;
  • Explicitly ask for your consent to process your personal data, if consent is required;
  • Take necessary security measures to protect your personal data. We also impose these obligations on parties that process personal data for us;
  • Respect your rights, such as the right to access, correct or delete your personal data processed by us.
Your data is safe with us, and we will always use this data properly. In this privacy statement, we explain what we do with the information we learn about you from the Cubit app.

If you have any questions, or want to know exactly what data we keep track of, please contact TMH Webdesign.

Making In-app Purchases You can make purchases in our Cubit app, where we use your personal data to handle and register the purchase. For this, we use your:
  • IP-address.

We do this based on your consent. We keep this information until your order is completed. Certain customer data is kept longer in connection with the legal fiscal retention obligation.
In-app purchases are made via the app stores of Apple or Google. We have no control over what these companies do with your personal information. So always read their privacy statements.

App store You must download our Cubit app via the app store of Apple or Google. We have no control over what these companies do with your personal information. So always read their privacy statements.

Advertisements Our app displays advertisements. We do not publish these ourselves; this is done by advertising agencies we work with. These agencies track whether you find the ads interesting and use that information to only offer fun or interesting ads and promotions in the future.

Provision to Other Companies or Institutions With the exception of the parties necessary to provide the above-mentioned services, we do not give your personal data to other companies or institutions under any condition, except if we are legally obliged to do so (for example, if the police demand it in case of a suspicion of a crime).

Statistics We keep statistics on the use of our app.

Cookies Our app uses cookies. Cookies are small files where we can store information so that you don't have to fill it in again. But we can also use them to see that you visit us again.
You can disable the placement of cookies via your browser, but some parts of our app may not work properly as a result. We have made arrangements about the use of cookies with other companies that place cookies. However, we do not have complete control over what they do with the cookies themselves. So also read their privacy statements.

Firebase Analytics We use Firebase Analytics to track how visitors use our app. We have entered into a processing agreement with Google. It contains strict agreements on what they can keep track of. We have not allowed Google to use the obtained Analytics information for other Google services. We let Google anonymize the IP addresses.

Security Security of personal data is of great importance to us. We ensure that your data is well secured with us. We constantly adjust the security and pay close attention to what can go wrong.

Changes to This Privacy Statement When our app changes, we must of course also adjust the privacy statement. So always pay attention to the date above and check regularly for new versions. We will do our best to communicate changes to you.

Your Rights If you have questions or want to know what personal data we have about you, you can always contact us. See the contact details below. You have the following rights:
  • To receive an explanation about which personal data we have and what we do with it;
  • To view the exact personal data we have;
  • To have errors corrected;
  • To have outdated personal data deleted;
  • To transfer personal data to another party;
  • To withdraw consent;
  • To limit a certain processing;
  • To object to a certain use.
Note that you always clearly indicate who you are, so that we are sure not to modify or delete data of the wrong person.
We will, in principle, comply with your request within a month. However, this period may be extended for reasons related to the specific rights of the data subjects or the complexity of the request. If we extend this period, we will inform you in time.

Filing a Complaint If you want to file a complaint about the use of your personal data, you can send an email to We handle every complaint internally and communicate further with you.

If you feel that we are not helping you in the right way, you have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority. This is called the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (Dutch Data Protection Authority).

Contact Details TMH Webdesign

KvK nummer: 72292679